
Posts Tagged ‘Palin supporters’

First off, the 7-11 approach. (And given how many of those “liberal elitists” don’t drink 7-11 coffee, even better news that Obama’s ahead here):


Coffee drinkers vote with cups

When it comes to that perfect cup of joe, coffee drinkers have lots of choices: decaf or high-test, cream or black.

McCain or Obama?

With election season in full swing, 7-Eleven stores nationwide are providing coffee lovers with a unique way of campaigning for their favorite presidential candidate — a styrofoam cup with the nominee’s name.

Red for Republican John McCain. Blue for Democrat Barack Obama.

Each time someone buys a cup, the results are logged. The convenience store chain keeps a tally of the votes and posts them online at www.7-election.com.

. . . Since the cup campaign began Oct. 1, Obama is ahead by 18 percentage points nationwide.

If history repeats itself, that’s good news for the Democrat. Final cup counts from the past two presidential elections — Bush vs. Gore and Bush vs. Kerry — mirrored the outcome of votes cast in the polls.

A sporting show of partisan support at your local 7-11: the right way to express your political leanings. The wrong way? Stiff the establishment you just ordered from when you find out it doesn’t share your politics. This tidbit from AK Muckraker over at Mudflats, describing the day-long wait for the Branchflower report to be released yesterday:


The Palin supporters headed over for coffee at a local coffee shop, and after the coffee was made, they found out it was a “liberal” coffee shop and took off without paying, leaving the coffee behind. 


Coffee cups bearing thr names of the presidential candidates are seen at a 7-11 convenience store on Capitol Hill in Washington
Picture: AFP/GETTY

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