
Posts Tagged ‘Smerconish endorses Obama’

Goodness, are we starting to hit our “when it rains it pours” stride? (Still waiting on you, Colin Powell!) Jack Tapper at ABC News has excerpted more of the forthcoming Philadelphia Inquirer op-ed here, which Mr. Smerconish released to him in advance of publication. (h/t Jed Report)


On his talk show on WPHT today, conservative Philadelphian Michael Smerconish endorsed Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill.

Listen HERE.

Smerconish did so by reading a couple paragraphs from his pending op-ed in the Philadelphia Inquirer.

“I’ve decided,” he said. “My conclusion comes after reading the candidates’ memoirs and campaign platforms, attending both party conventions, interviewing both men multiple times, and watching all primary and general election debates.
“John McCain is an honorable man who has served his country well. But he will not get my vote. For the first time since registering as a Republican 28 years ago, I’m voting for a Democrat for president.”

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